Housing Choice Voucher

The Housing Choice Voucher Program, also known as Section 8, is federally funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Applicants must meet very low income limits as set forth by HUD. Applicants search for a unit in the private market and it is the responsibility of the landlord to check applicants for rental suitability.

Applicants become program participants when they lease a unit and utilize the Section 8 Voucher. First year participants can pay up to 40% of their adjusted income in rent and the Section 8 program subsidizes the balance. After leasing a unit for one year participants are eligible to relocate anywhere in the United States that administers a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program.

Tenant Portal
Wait List Central RI
Apply for the Housing Choice Voucher Program Here

Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List

Housing Voucher Waiting List Open as of December 17, 2017


1. Resident of Central Falls, applies also to applicants working in Central Falls but not living in Central Falls.

2. Working preference: also applies to elderly and disabled households or household in which the head of household is in school full time.

The CFHA will not on account of race, color sex, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, age, family or marital status, handicap or disability, deny any family or individual the opportunity to apply for or receive assistance under HUD’s Section 8 Housing Program.


New Landlord Portal

Breakdown of Rental Payments For instructions on how to use the website: Landlord Instructions on the Owner Portal. You can register for the Owner Portal to obtain a breakdown of your rental payments.

Extensions are given for installation of the intercommunicating smoke alarms.

Intercommunicating Smoke Detectors is not the Fire Alarm system required on 4 family dwellings.

Why Direct Deposit?

Direct Deposit is available if you are interested in direct deposit and you have not signed an authorization form, please call us and we will mail you a form or you can print the Landlord Direct Deposit Authorization form.

Available Empty Apartments If you have vacant units that you would like to add to the Apartments in CF list please contact us by email: laurelv@cfhousing.org or by phone: (401) 648-8298

We do not inspect vacant units unless there is an interested HCV family with the proper paperwork.

The following representatives are listed based on the first letter of the tenants last name. Please address your questions to the representative that corresponds to your tenant:

Vanessa Zuniga Representative for owner with 3 or more units leased with Section 8
Keila Sanchez Representative for owner with 1 to 2 units leased with Section 8
A-Z Elsa Segura Portability -In
A-Z Katia Linarte FSS Program
A-Z Angelly Pertuz Waiting List
A-Z Elsa Segura Inspection Contact

Move-Inspections must pass prior to the landlord signing a Housing Authority Payment Contract. Units must be vacant prior to Inspection unless the new voucher holder family is occupying the unit.

Lead Compliance Certificate is needed at every lease-up for non-owner occupied units built prior to 1978. Please view our Lead Information page for Information on how to obtain a Lead Compliance Certificate. There are several types of lead inspections and the CFHA only requires the Lead Compliance Certificate for non-owner occupied units unless other circumstances apply.

Lead Conformance Certificate need to be updated every 2 years either by a visual assessment or a new inspection.

Proof of Ownership must be attached to all Requests for Tenancy approval Please attach a copy of the deed, current fire insurance or current tax statement every time there is a turn around.

Property Management Contract is needed with submission of the Request or Tenancy Approval (only needed once)

Requested rents are compared to a rent reasonable survey of the Central Falls area and can never exceed this survey.

Rent Increases must be requested 60 days prior to the lease anniversary of your tenant family. The request must contain an effective date, the amount of the increase and valid reason for the increase.

Request for Tenancy Approvals must be submitted by the family by the 15th of the month to lease for the 1st of the following month except for the following exceptions due to holidays.

Available Units

Unit Locator

Please enter any search criteria and hit "SEARCH" to view matching units.

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Reporting Fraud – It Is Important

Do you know a Public Housing tenant or a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCVP) participant who is:

  • Not reporting that the head of household’s significant other/life partner lives in the unit;
  • Not reporting everyone living in the unit, even if they’re just "staying there";
  • Not reporting that a family member has started work or has unreported income like an undeclared in-home childcare business (A home-based business is allowed as long as the tenant has declared the income from it.);
  • Not reporting that children have left home;
  • Renting out the assisted unit, or a bedroom in the assisted unit, to someone else; or
  • Falsifying documents or signatures.

Do you know an HCVP Landlord who is:

  • Soliciting and/or receiving extra rent on the side;
  • Renting to relatives without approval from the Central Falls Housing Authority (CFHA);
  • Accepting payment from the CFHA for a vacant unit, or a unit in which the program participant no longer lives; or
  • Living in the same unit as the family that is being subsidized.

If you do, you know someone who is committing housing fraud!

Housing fraud is any action or failure to act that allows a Public Housing tenant, Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) participant, or HCVP landlord to receive benefits for which the person doesn't qualify. A person who knowingly withholds information, fails to report a change in the family's circumstances, or otherwise engages in activity prohibited by program regulations, is committing an act of fraud.

The vast majority of families receiving housing assistance from the CFHA and HCVP landlords are honest and follow program rules. Regardless, the CFHA is committed to the integrity and effectiveness of its housing programs and operations. This includes preventing, detecting and prosecuting waste, fraud and abuse when it does happen – including by using tips, whether self-identified or anonymous.

You Can Help by Reporting Fraud

Help keep the money where it belongs--assisting families in need who meet program qualifications. You should report incidences of fraud promptly while the facts are still fresh in your mind. The CFHA’s Report Fraud Form is a confidential way to report fraud. Provide as much information as you can. Describe what happened in detail. Around what dates did you notice the suspect activity? Are there documents that support your claim (such as a side contract between the owner and tenant, a phone bill proving residence at another location, etc.)? Also, it's very helpful if you have the names and contact information of people willing to talk to an investigator.

You don’t have to give us your name. Even if you do, it will be kept confidential.

Please submit only one form per incident.

Apart from fraud, you may observe something that you suspect is unlawful. Suspected crime should always be promptly reported to the Central Falls Police Department.

All Reports Are Kept Confidential

The information that you provide to the CFHA is strictly confidential. When information is brought forward about possible fraud, the Fraud Investigator conducts an independent investigation--without revealing the name of any person that has brought information to the CFHA’s attention. In conducting the investigation, the Fraud Investigator may review documents, interview neighbors, employers and others, conduct surveillance, and question suspects. The Fraud Investigator may review police records, use computer databases of information such as income, assets, and places of residence, and work with other law enforcement agencies.

If the Fraud Investigator finds that a case cannot be proven without using information that would reveal the identity of the informant, the Fraud Investigator will contact you for permission to release your identity. If you don't give permission, your name will not be used but the case may not be able to go forward.

Because of confidentiality requirements, the CFHA is not able to make any statements regarding the status of any investigation or results. Investigations and the process of terminating housing assistance and prosecuting the offender can be lengthy. Don't assume that no action is being taken simply because you continue to see the family living in the same unit.

Penalties for Public Housing tenants or HCVP Participants Who Commit Fraud Include:

  • Termination from the Program
  • Recapture of over-payments
  • Criminal prosecution
  • Debarment from participating in the Program

Penalties for Property Owners Who Commit Fraud Include:

  • Termination of the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract
  • Recapture of HAP payments
  • Prosecution under federal statutes

FSS Program

The Central Falls Housing Authority’s HUD FSS program is designed with the fundamental goal of increasing economic opportunity for HUD-assisted families. The HUD FSS program provides grant funding to employ a full time FSS Program Coordinator, who supports families receiving housing assistance through the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. The FSS Coordinator connects participating families with essential resources in order to build their financial empowerment.

Recruitment Flyer
Recruitment Letter

FSS Program contact:
Katia Linarte
(401) 519-6583 Tel/Fax

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